Action; ; Country: USA; rating: 9 of 10; Score: 1073732 Votes; Leigh Brackett
A movie without beginning and without end. The movie which, for many who say they love Star Wars, covers up for the other five other movies.
And there is no real drama either (except for the one little twist at the end. It's kitchen sink realism in space. The rebels are having a hard day and they try either to run from or deal with their problems. And at the end it's all "Let's go to bed; the tides may turn tomorrow."
But it's also epic kitchen sink realism. Every scene every line is more or less a classic. In fact the only scene i can point out as boring is that stupid sequence with the space snake (why, oh, why couldn't the empire just have send down probe droids down in the cave. br>
My top 5 scenes from the film (in chronological order)
- Gigantic metal beasts attacking the rebels after a suspenseful build-up
- Luke having a nice dinner with Yoda when Obi-Wan suddenly interrupts and make their relationship a bit awkward.
- Yoda and Obi-Wan watching Luke leaving them in hopes to save his friends ( No there's another. GOOOOOOSEBUMPS. li>
- "You're Not a Jedi Yet" GOOOOOOSEBUMPS. li>
- End credits (I'm not trolling! The music is strong with this one. And when the credits starts you realize how important Williams is for the Star Wars-movies (especially this one and that one from 1999. It's a beautiful medley of the centerpieces from the film and when you listen to it you get the feeling that Williams knew that they (Lucas, Williams, Kershner, Kasdan) had produced something quite different.
Imperiet sl c3 a5r tilbake meaning.
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest